Why Greene County
It is a great place to live, work and play!!!!!
Formed February 9, 1796; named for General Nathaniel Greene. Surface, ferle valleys, hills and rolling uplands, making a region of natural beauty, well watered from the tributaries of the Monongahela river and Wheeling Creek.
The County has a rich and diverse history that can sll be seen throughout the County, whether in the rural countryside, boroughs, or coal patch towns.
There are still a number of covered bridges throughout the county, from fifty to a hundred years old, a very old double bridge crosses Ten Mile Creek, one mile east of Waynesburg; formerly an old forge and furnace were on this creek.
Many Indian village sites that were occupied long before the advent to the whites are here; their age indicated by large old trees growing on their mounds; three distinct forms of ancient burials are found here, showing that three waves of population swept over this land before the coming of the Europeans.
Early industries in Greene County were mining and agriculture. Gas wells, coal mining and wool production provided the early forms of income in Greene County. At one point the wool industry was so prosperous that the County was the first overall in total Merino wool production and was said to have more sheep than human inhabitants county-wide.
Long-running annual events provide the cizens of the County with recreational and social events that build a strong sense of community County-Wide. It is through these social gatherings that the identy and character of Greene County is strengthened and relationships and families are cemented.
Facts about the County:
Greene County is situated in the extreme southwestern corner of Pennsylvania. It is considered the cornerstone of the keystone state.
89.2 percent rural; with a population of about 40,000 plus residents.
The county seat for Greene County is within the Borough of Waynesburg, located at exit 14 of Interstate 79, about 60 miles south of Pittsburgh.
It is 389,120 square acres of surface, or about 608 square miles. The average length east to west is 32 miles and the width is about 19 miles.
The terrain is hilly with the general trend of the hills from northwest to southwest.
Many streams drain the slopes. The surface is drained by the Monongahela River, which unites with the Allegheny at Pittsburgh and forms the Ohio proper, and the Wheeling River which also falls into the Ohio, and forms part of the great Mississippi.
Greene County is designated as a sixth class county (population of 45,000 to 94,999).
Greene County is made up of 26 municipalies (20 Townships and 6 Boroughs). The largest municipality being Franklin Township.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide economic development and financing opportunities for business and industry within Greene County in a responsive, friendly and coordinated effort; thus, creating and retaining job for a better quality of life.
“Our overarching goal is to seek out and relocate new tenants to the EverGreene Technology Park (Waynesburg) or the Paisley Business Park (Carmichaels). Along the way we will work hard to prepare pad-ready sites in these parks to facilitate new construction in the most efficient and effective way. Through these ongoing efforts, GCID/GAD will contribute to economic development in the county to create a better environment to work, live and play.”